Charity’s warning over stressed feline friends

Charity’s warning over stressed feline friends

Nurse tells cat owners what to watch out for

A veterinary charity nurse has warned pet owners what to look out for if they believe their feline friend may be stressed.

The past 12 months have not been easy for anyone and the changes we have made can also affect our furry friends.

With this in mind,  Nina Downing from the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals has flagged some issues to be aware of.

Nina said: “With ‘normal life’ set to resume before too long and many of us slowly returning to our workplaces, it’s important for owners to keep an eye out for stress in their pets – especially our feline friends, where the signs are often harder to spot.

“Finding out what has made our cats stressed can be difficult as there is no one-size-fits-all, but there are some common causes to be aware of.

Changes in our lives may also affect our pets

“One of the biggest causes of stress in cats is a change in environment. This may be something as big as moving to a new house, or as small as rearranging the furniture, trying out a new candle or buying a new duvet set.

“Small changes in their routine, including feeding times, or new or absent members of the household, may also cause your cat anxiety.

“Just like when humans experience stress, cats may display their concerns in different ways.

Warning signs

“If your cat is hiding or staying out of the way more than usual, it may be that something is bothering them. This could be accompanied by a change in body language – they may crouch or sink low to the ground and meow more than normal.

“Out of character behaviour such as a playful cat not wanting to engage any more or changes in toilet habits are also signs to look out for.

“It’s important to note that any of these changes may be an early symptom of other medical conditions, so always take your pet to the vet if you notice changes in their behaviour.”

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