Dairy vets back minimum farmgate price for milk

Dairy vets back minimum farmgate price for milk

Vets from VetPartners, one of the UK’s largest veterinary groups, have called for more  government support for dairy farmers after milk prices took a major tumble

The group, which looks after a number of UK’s dairy herds, is lobbying MPs to address the volatility of the milk market.

The average farmgate price for milk slipped to 37.6p per litre in May, according to government figures – a near-8% decrease on the same month a year earlier – leading to many farmers leaving the sector.

Farm vets want a minimum farmgate price to ensure a fair deal for dairy farmers.

VetPartners farm director, Ian Cure said: “This industry volatility makes it incredibly difficult for farmers to invest in their rural businesses and plan for the future.

“The five-year, rolling average farmgate price for milk as of May 2023 was 33.65ppl, and this has changed very little over the last six years.

“It is well documented that in recent times, costs across all sectors have increased with labour costs, fuel, equipment, rents and rates at an all-time high (around 40-45ppl). “It is therefore clear that this is not sustainable, and something must be done to support British farming, and ensure food security for our country

“It cannot be right that critical primary producers always bear the brunt of market fluctuations. These vital rural businesses are currently feeling the strain and do not, at present feel they are receiving adequate government support.

“Minimum milk pricing to the cost of production is the least we owe them and is vital to ensure the survival of these businesses and our country’s ongoing food security.”