First VN Vision event a roaring success in Belfast

First VN Vision event a roaring success in Belfast

The first event in the VN Vision series, which aims to bring together veterinary nurses to explore aspirations for the future of the veterinary nursing profession, was held at the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise, Belfast, on May 8.

The event had a total of 22 delegates present, including RVNs and SVNs across education, primary care and referral practice, and the charity sector.

The evening began with supper and networking, and the ‘What One Thing?’ board, which encouraged delegates to share the one thing they would like to see change, happen, or continue within the profession. A short presentation from RCVS representatives Julie Dugmore, Director of Veterinary Nursing, and Jill Macdonald, VN Futures Project Lead, including ‘inspiration videos’ from nurses across the profession, led into the four discussion themes for the event.

RCVS VN Council Chair Belinda Andrews-Jones, and member, Simon Williams, supported the event and facilitated discussions, with a final message from Belinda encouraging veterinary nurses to help shape the future by, not only attending events such as this, but also by participating in surveys, polls and consultations.

The evening concluded with a wrap-up of key themes, and revisiting the ‘What One Thing?’ board.

Jill Macdonald, VN Futures Project Lead, said: “The whole point of this series of VN Vision events is to bring RVNs and SVNs together from across the UK to discuss their own visions for the future of the veterinary nursing profession without limiting their thinking. The first event proved to be a great success, with high levels of positivity and engagement across the small groups working towards the aims for the evening.

“The discussions were lively and animated, and nurses fully undertook their remit of thinking big, setting aside obstacles, and sharing their personal visions for the vet nursing profession of the future.”

The event received positive feedback, with delegates stating:

  • “The entire evening was very enjoyable. It was an open and honest discussion that everyone participated in which was refreshing.”
  • “Brilliant evening, exceeded my expectations. I felt heard and valued as an RVN.”
  • “Feeling like RVN’s are being taken seriously.”
  • “This was an excellent opportunity for the voices of veterinary nurses in N Ireland to be heard.”

The next VN Vision event will be held at Scotland Rural College’s (SRUC) Oatridge campus in Edinburgh on Wednesday 26 June with the following event at Harper Adams University, Shropshire, on Thursday 11 July. To find out more visit the events page.